Private Taxi [ Kapasite 1 - 3 ]
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Private Taxi Transfers

Ovacik ( Fethiye )
70.00 Km
79 Dakika
Yolculuk Tarihi - Saati 07-02-2025 10:00
Sağlayıcı Transfer4Cheap
Shuttle Bus [ Kapasite 1 - 29 ]
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Tek Yön Toplam
29 30

Shuttle Bus Transfers

Ovacik ( Fethiye )
70.00 Km
79 Dakika
Yolculuk Tarihi - Saati 07-02-2025 10:00
Sağlayıcı Transfer4Cheap

Ovacik ( Fethiye ) Offers  Both Shuttle and  Private Transfers from Dalaman  Airport to  Ovacik 
Situated on  a high  plateau 4km  from the  coast and  surrounded  by stunning  mountains,  the once  sleepy  villages  of Hisaronu  and Ovacik  have  combined to  create a  lively  resort which  has a  distinctly  British  atmosphere.  The nearest  beaches are  the famous  lagoon of  Oludeniz or  the pebble  and sand  beach of  Belcekiz. A  dolmus  leaves every  five or ten  minutes. The  village is  full of bars,  restaurants  and shops.  This is  certainly  the place to  haggle for  any  imitation  designer  gear. The  cool  mountain air  can be quite  a relief  after a day  in the sun  and there is  plenty to do  in the  evening.  Hisaronu,  and the  Fethiye area  in general,  are blessed  with a  rugged and  beautiful  landscape,  the  potential of  which for  activity  holidays (and  holiday  activites);  is just  being  realised.  Hisaronu is  special  because its  location  means that  you can  paraglide in  Oludeniz one  day, canoe  down the  Xanthos  river to  Patara the  next,  paintball in  the pine  forests of  Kaya Koyu  and still  take an  overnight  trip to the  classical  ruins of  Ephesus.  There are  variety of  hotels,  villas &  aparts in  the area,  from simple  family run  to luxury  hill top  hotels with  views of  Oludeniz  beach below.  Just above  Oludeniz  amongst the  pines on the  lower slopes  of Babadag  the village  of Ovacik  straddles  the mountain  road between  Fethiye and  Oludeniz.It`s  convenient  situation,  clear air,  quiet  country  trails and  excellent  accommodation  make it an  ideal base  for enjoying  all the  diverse  aspects of  this  captivating  area. Ovacik  is situated  only 3 kms  away from  Oludeniz  Beach and is  the  neighbouring  village to  Hisaronu.  Ovacik  village is  spread out  in a big  valley just  below  Babadag  mountain -  hence there  isn`t a  resort  centre as  such - but  most of the  accommodation  is situated  within  walking  distance to  main road  and Hisaronu  village  centre.  There are  beatifully  landscaped  hotels with  views over  the valleys  down below,  luxury  villas with  swimming  pools, good  choice of  apartments  and self  catering  accommodation.  Ovacik is  good  alternative  to Hisaronu  village - if  you are  looking for  a more  private &  relaxing  holiday

Transfers from Dalaman Airport to Ovacik  with us.

